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VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) Laser Ranging Sensor - GY-VL53L0XV2 I2C/IIC
Κωδικός Cableworks: 1140.684

χωρίς ΦΠΑ 10.38
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Γιατί Cableworks;
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Αναλυτική Παρουσίαση

PIN Description:

  • VDD Regulated 2.8 V output. Almost 150 mA is available to power external components. (If you want to bypass the internal regulator, you can instead use this pin as a 2.8 V input with VIN disconnected.)
  • VIN This is the main 2.6 V to 5.5 V power supply connection. The SCL and SDA level shifters pull the I2C lines high to this level.
  • GND The ground (0 V) connection for your power supply. Your I2C control source must also share a common ground with this board.
  • SDA Level-shifted I2C data line: HIGH is VIN, LOW is 0 V
  • SCL Level-shifted I2C clock line: HIGH is VIN, LOW is 0 V
  • XSHUT This pin is an active-low shutdown input; the board pulls it up to VDD to enable the sensor by default. Driving this pin low puts the sensor into hardware standby. This input is not level-shifted.


Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές

SFP28 (25G):
  • QoS
  • Νομοθεσία