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Tilt Sensor Module / Vibration Sensor Module Switch Microcontroller Electronic Building Blocks Smart Robot for arduino Diy Kit
Κωδικός Cableworks: 1116.477

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Αναλυτική Παρουσίαση

TILT SENSOR MODULE is a device used for knowing the planar movement. Although they are available in various types their basic function remains the same. Their function is to detect the plane shift from horizontal to vertical and sent of a signal when it happens. There are modules which could sense even small plane shifts but here we are going to discuss about simple contact type TILT SENSOR module. Here we are going to use SW-520D TILT SENSOR MODULE.


TILT SENSOR MODULE Pin Configuration

TILT SENSOR MODULE is three pin devices as shown in figure. All three pins are compulsory for using the module.

Pin Name



Connected to GROUND


Connected to +5V


Output of  TILT SENSOR


TILT SENSOR MODULE Features and Specifications

  • Supply voltage: 3.3 V to 5V
  • Output can directly connected to controller
  • TTL level output
  • Maximum output current : 15mA
  • Can work on low voltages
  • Maximum operating temperature: 0°C to + 80°C
  • Easy interface
  • Long life.


Note: Complete technical information can be found in the SW-520D Tilt Sensor Datasheet linked at the bottom of this page.



Here are few cases where SW-520D SENSOR MODULE is chosen:

Case1: SW-520D is used when the cost of system cannot be high. SW-520D is one of cheapest and robust TILT SENSORS on the market. It is easily available to replace in case of fault.

Case2: SW-520D is easy to install in the system. All you need to do is power the module appropriately and take the output correctly.

Case3: With very long life this module can be used on permanent installment.

Also the module does not need any additional components to install in a system.


Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές

SFP28 (25G):
  • QoS
  • Νομοθεσία